News & Updates

  • Illegal Phoenix Operations & Determining Right to Income 22-02-2018

    Phoenix companies “rise from the ashes” with a new corporate structure that derives its assets (usually without providing adequate compensation for same), and director(s) from an old entity, leaving behind the debts of the old entity and giving the new entity a “clean slate”. Read More

  • New & Proposed Legislative Changes Mike Smith 14-11-2017

    Effective 19 September 2017, the Federal Government introduced changes to the Corporations Act, 2001 (Cth) (“the Act”) (Section 588GA) which are commonly referred to as the “Safe Harbour Reforms”.  The reforms apply to courses of action taken before, at, or after that date and to debts incurred on or after that date. Read More

  • Voidable Property Transfer & Director Liability 03-08-2017

    A Federal Circuit Court decision highlights the attitude that the judiciary takes towards transfers of property that are perceived as being intended to frustrate or evade legitimate creditors, even many years down the track. Read More

  • Welcome to New Partner and Reforms to Insolvency Law Mike Smith 01-05-2017

    We are delighted to announce the appointment of Robert Kite as a Partner of Smith Hancock. This exciting appointment realises our long-term objective to be a full service insolvency firm, as we now have the ability to accept formal and informal personal bankruptcy appointments. Read More

  • ASIC Statistics and Enforcement 08-02-2017

    It’s the start of another calendar year, so how are Australian businesses faring? Here is a review of the latest statistics and observations made by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission ("ASIC") following review of statutory reports lodged by liquidators, receivers and voluntary administrators for the year ending 30 June 2016.  Read More

  • Government Targets Foreign Investors with New Tax Legislation 26-09-2016

    What do Google, Uber and foreign owners of Australian investment properties have in common? There is a widespread perception that they are failing to pay appropriate levels of tax. Read More

  • Dodgy Advisers – Watch Out! Peter Hillig 22-08-2016

    Australian Securities & Investments Commission (“ASIC”) is once again baring its watchdog teeth by taking steps to advise company directors who have been subjected to a winding up application about the risks of engaging untrustworthy advisers. In doing so, ASIC is writing to directors of companies subject to winding-up applications to advise of the risks of retaining dodgy advisers. Read More

  • Steering the Ship onto Rocks: Directors Flouting Obligations Peter Hillig 18-05-2016

    In a series of recent prosecutions, the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (“ASIC”) has bared its watchdog teeth and brought proceedings against a number of directors who have failed to comply with their statutory obligations. Read More

  • From the Mining Boom to the Ideas Boom - What it All Means Peter Hillig 01-02-2016

    There’s been a lot of talk about innovation in the media since Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull launched the National Innovation and Science Agenda last December. We know the economy is transitioning away from the mining boom, but what does this new political emphasis on ideas and innovation involve? Read More

  • When is a Debt to the ATO Due and Payable Mike Smith 25-09-2015

    With the significant increase in debt collection activity by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) in recent months, it is timely to consider some of the pitfalls negotiating a payment arrangement with the ATO might create. Read More

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