News & Updates

  • Director Resignation Changes Peter Hillig 26-10-2021

    Effective 18 February 2021, if a person stops being a director of a company, they or the company, must notify ASIC within 28 days. Read More

  • ATO - Change in Debt Collection Approach - Directors Beware! Peter Hillig 26-10-2021

    As the Government shifts its COVID 19 response from cash injection to cash recovery, we were interested to listen to a presentation from the Australian Taxation Office (“ATO”) on their debt collection strategy as we navigate our way through the pandemic. Read More

  • Small Business Restructuring Reform 03-02-2021

    On 1 January 2021 some of the most significant changes in insolvency law in three decades were introduced following amendments to the Corporations Act. Read More

  • Alert to Advisors - Potential Personal Liability Mike Smith 12-11-2020

    The Treasury Laws Amendment (Combating Illegal Phoenxing) Bill 2019 (“the Bill”), received Royal Assent on 17 February 2020. Read More

  • Covid-19 Safe Harbour Protection for Directors Rommel Alfonso 04-09-2020

    Directors are generally personally liable for debts a company has incurred whilst: Read More

  • The Dangers of Lending to Loved Ones 02-03-2020

    Given the costs associated with the acquisition of real estate in the current market, it is becoming common for parents to advance funds (unsecured) to their children in order to assist them in buying their first home.  The funds advanced usually form part of, or all of the deposit for the property, which assists their children obtaining finance to purchase the property. Read More

  • Impending Changes to the DPN and PPSR Update 30-09-2019

    Readers will recall that our June 2019 Newsletter discussed the recent changes to the Director Penalty Notice (“DPN”) Regime in respect to superannuation. Read More

  • Recent criminal changes to the Director Penalty Notice Regime 26-06-2019

    The Director Penalty Notice (“DPN”) regime has been around for many years whereby the corporate veil can be lifted, and the directors of an organisation held personally liable for certain obligations to the Australian Taxation Office (“ATO”).  For the most part, this meant PAYG Withholdings.  In more recent times, obligations for superannuation have been included in the DPN regime.   Read More

  • Gaol Time for Delinquent Company Directors / PPSR Update 02-04-2019

    There have been a number of cases determined in the last 6 months regarding the conduct of company directors, which has ultimately resulted in those parties receiving custodial sentences.  In each of the scenarios, the investigations of the Australian Taxation Office (“ATO”) have found that the directors engaged in activity to falsely claim refunds for GST, and / or, failed to report and remit the GST and PAYG Withholdings to the ATO.  Read More

  • When is a Guarantee Not a Guarantee? 28-11-2018

    A debtor who gives a guarantee, then becomes a bankrupt (or subject to a Part X Arrangement) can avoid their obligations under the guarantee post bankruptcy if they take certain steps.  If they fail to take those steps, the debtor may face liability pursuant to the guarantee for goods and services provided after the date of the bankruptcy, ie the guarantee is still on foot. Read More

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